This is jeedra's homepage


Welcome to my humble website, I intend to share my programming projects, maybe some guides, maybe a blog of some sorts, and maybe some memes, who knows. :)

There currently is no content here besides this, as I just got started. But there will be in the future, I hope.

The stellar background was inspired by the background on this page. I made it myself using GIMP. I really like these, so comfy.


This website is hosted by neocities. Very nice, you can host a static website for free!

What does the name "jeedra" mean?

It doesn't mean anything. The word originated when I was writing a test program, and I needed to name a variable. Traditionally people use "foo" and "bar" for these things. I usually use "lol" and "lmao", but one day I came up with "jeedra". Then much later, I found a invite code somewhere on the internet. Due to the hurry of registering the email before someone gets the invite code, I needed a quick name. I didnt want to use my usual nickname, because I was looking to forge a new online identity. So I just went to the cache of random short words on my memory and found jeedra on it. So there thats where it started.

This website is greenish, because the name is green sounding to me.

I guess the meaning of the word, is this website now.


Please report any issues with website! Broken links for example.

My email is Don't forget my PGP public key.

Last updated: Sep 20 2021

Created on: Sep 19 2021